Building Contract Services


>> Design & Specification of Works

We offer a one stop service from initial design through the preparation of drawings from a measured survey and specification of works, to advice on suitable contractors and obtaining competitive tenders.

>> Contract Administration

Regular monitoring is undertaken of works in progress to ensure quality of construction and finish, through to completion and settlement of the final account.

>> Co-Consultants

Where the structural complexity or electrical and mechanical services require a specialist engineer, we use a small number of co-consultants who consistently provide a high quality of service.

>> Planning & Building Regulations Approvals

We have considerable experience in the preparation of detailed applications for general Planning, Change of Use Class and Listed Building Consents including negotiating with Planning and Conservation Officers.

Full Plans or Building Notice Applications are prepared by us for Building Regulations Approval and we can also take on schemes prepared by others to the Planning Approval Stage.

Contact Details

Give us a call today for further information on our services.